Your AI Spades Partner
May 3, 2021
Imagine having a spades partner that doesn’t cut you, knows when to bag, and can bid accurately.
My vision is to create a “mind” that can play independently, with a human/AI partner and without cheating.
This is very much a work in process. See project on google colab (link).
Overview. There’s 3 decisions one must make while playing spades:
- How much to bid
- To try and win or lose the hand
- Which card to play
The goal is to achieve 500 points before the other team, which can create chaos when the other team is close to winning.
Deceit is a valuable trait.
Potential Approaches. May include
- dynamic programming if the state space is not to large, and
- neural networks if the state space is too large
Ideas? Email me at rschrade3 [at] gmail